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What’s Causing Your Blurry Vision?

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The causes of blurry vision can be multifaceted and complex. They may range from simple factors such as eye strain or refractive errors to serious eye conditions and health conditions like macular degeneration, retinal detachment, diabetes, or high blood pressure. 

In some cases, the onset of blurred vision can be sudden and alarming, potentially indicating an eye care emergency such as a detached retina. It is important to remember that blurry vision can be common and often results from conditions like myopia, dry eyes, and eye strain, but it can also be a side effect of a serious condition and should always be addressed by a healthcare professional.

What Are the Various Causes of Blurry Vision?

Blurry vision can be attributed to a variety of causes. Often, it is the result of refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism. These conditions occur when the eye does not bend light correctly, resulting in a blurred image.

Another common cause of blurry vision is presbyopia, an age-related condition that makes it difficult to focus on close objects. Presbyopia typically becomes noticeable in a person’s mid-40s and continues to worsen as adults get older.

Other eye conditions like dry eyes and eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy are also known to cause blurry vision. These conditions can develop gradually and may not present symptoms until significant vision changes have occurred.

Sudden blurry vision can also be a symptom of other serious health conditions. Neurological disorders such as migraines or strokes, high blood pressure, and diabetes can all affect vision. In these cases, blurry vision is often accompanied by other symptoms.

Furthermore, conditions like optic neuritis could contribute to blurred vision, alongside the loss of color vision and pain when moving the eyes.

Lastly, some medications have potential side effects that include changes in vision. It is advised that any sudden changes in vision be immediately reported to an eye care professional.

It must be remembered that this list is not exhaustive, and many other factors can contribute to blurry vision. Regular eye exams are essential for maintaining good eye health and catching potential issues that cause blurry vision early.

How Do You Prevent Blurry Vision?

When blurry vision is caused by conditions related to your overall health, it can sometimes be prevented with several healthy habits. Regular eye exercises are recommended for strengthening the eyes and enhancing their focusing abilities. These exercises include activities such as blinking, palming, and shifting the gaze from one point to another.

A healthy diet should not be overlooked when it comes to maintaining good eye health too. Foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, along with minerals like copper and zinc, are known to support vision. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial for eye health as well.

The importance of adequate rest cannot be overstated. The eyes, just like any other part of the body, require sufficient time to rest and recover. Therefore, ensuring you get a good night’s sleep is essential.

The harmful effects of digital screens on the eyes have been increasingly recognized. It is advised that breaks be taken every 20 minutes when working or studying in front of a screen. This practice, often called the 20-20-20 rule, is based on looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

An athletic man in his sportswear drinking water from his reusable water bottle.

Hydration is another factor that can play a crucial role in maintaining eye health. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your eyes moist and reduce the risk of dry eye while maintaining your overall eye health.

However, these methods are not a substitute for professional medical advice. If blurry vision persists or worsens, you should visit us for an eye exam. Routine, comprehensive eye exams are crucial for catching blurry vision early and addressing it before it gets worse. 

Can Blurred Vision Go Back to Normal?

The possibility of blurred vision returning to normal is dependent on the underlying cause. If the blurriness is a result of temporary conditions such as eye strain, dehydration, or a side effect of certain medications, it may be possible to restore your vision.

For refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism, corrective lenses or surgery can be used to restore clear vision. Similarly, presbyopia can often be corrected with reading glasses or contact lenses.

Eye conditions like cataracts and glaucoma, which can cause blurry vision, can be effectively managed with medical treatment or surgery, thereby improving or preserving vision. However, if left untreated, these conditions can lead to permanent vision loss.

In the case of health conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, managing the overall health condition is crucial for maintaining your eye health. Regular checkups with healthcare professionals are crucial in these cases.

It must be stressed that immediate medical attention should be sought if sudden, unexplained changes in vision occur, as this could indicate a serious health condition. 

When Should You See a Doctor for Your Blurred Vision?

Blurred vision should not be ignored. If blurry vision is accompanied by symptoms such as severe eye pain, headaches, sudden loss of vision, or the appearance of halos around lights, a healthcare professional should be consulted without delay.

For individuals with diabetes or high blood pressure, regular checkups with healthcare providers are essential for maintaining eye health. Changes in vision can be an early sign of these conditions worsening, and a doctor should be informed promptly.

Refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism often require corrective lenses or surgery to restore clear vision. An optometrist or ophthalmologist can provide the necessary treatment after conducting a comprehensive eye exam.

It cannot be stressed enough that this information should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about your vision, you should visit us for an eye exam so we can provide advice based on your individual eye health.

Taking Proactive Steps Toward Maintaining Your Eye Health 

Blurry vision—and the conditions that cause blurry vision—can get worse over time. Fortunately, regular checkups with an optometrist or ophthalmologist help allow for early detection of any potential issues before they become a major problem.

Contact us at the Eye Care Center of Colorado Springs if you are experiencing blurred vision, especially if you have a condition like diabetes. We’re here to help. 

Book an appointment today.  

Written by Dr. Sara Johnson

Dr. Sara Whitney graduated with a B.S. in Biochemistry from Rockford College in Rockford, IL and received her Doctor of Optometry degree from Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, TN. As an optometry student, Dr. Whitney completed a primary care externship in Wilmington, NC, and a hospital-based rotation at the Naval Health Clinic of Corpus Christi in Corpus Christi, TX. Dr. Whitney has cared for patients as an optometrist in the Colorado Springs area since May of 2009. She has experience in family eye care, including pediatric eye examination, adult eye care, treatment and management of ocular disease, contact lens fitting, and eye surgery co-management. Colorado State licensed and certified in ocular pharmaceutical agents, Dr. Whitney’s training and experience allow her to diagnose, treat, and manage or co-manage all eye conditions. Professional memberships include the American Optometric Association, Colorado Optometric Association, and Southern Colorado Optometric Society.
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